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Wyndham Health Foundation CEO, Leanne Down named the Wyndham 2023 Citizen of the Year

We’re pleased to share that Leanne Down, Chief Executive Officer, Wyndham Health Foundation is the recipient of the Wyndham 2023 Citizen of the Year Award for her extraordinary contribution to the community and outstanding service over a number of years.

Leanne is known for always going above and beyond to help the local community, over her time working with the Wyndham Health Foundation. Leanne has helped to raise over $180,000 to support public health care services in Wyndham ranging from paediatrics, ICU, emergency and palliative care.

Leanne also ensures patients who find themselves in hospital on days of significance have something to celebrate. She collects donations of new toys for children to wake up to on Christmas morning and Easter eggs to celebrate over the Easter period. She even raised and donated funds to help fatigued doctors and nurses during Covid with free coffee over a two-week period to let them know they were appreciated. 

Leanne’s enthusiasm for supporting the local community is infectious. She lives and breathes the Wyndham Health Foundations values of kindness, integrity, innovation and inclusion in everyday life. Leanne leads a dynamic team to help make a difference in the community and support the local public hospital in Wyndham.

“I am humbled and overwhelmed with gratitude to have been selected to receive the Wyndham Citizen of the Year Award. I’m incredibly honoured to have my work through Wyndham Health Foundation recognised in this way,” said Leanne.

”This accomplishment is not something that I did alone, and there are many others who deserve to share in this award, staff, board members and most importantly, you the community who have supported Wyndham Health Foundation for the past 30 years in raising funds to support the public health care services in Wyndham and support patient care – this award is truly an acknowledgement and testament to the people around me who have helped support the Foundation in its achievements over the years,” she added.

This year Wyndham Health Foundation will celebrate its 30th birthday and over those 30 years have been able to provide over $3 million dollars to public health care services in Wyndham.

Health should never be taken for granted, and when that moment comes when you or a loved one requires health care, Wyndham Health Foundation want to ensure that you have the best possible available to you.  As our region grows, so does the requirement of our health care services.

To read more about Leanne’s exceptional contribution to support the public health care services in Wyndham and support patient care view the Wyndham Health Foundation 202/22 Impact Report

Juliette Bormeh Moe Young Citizen of the Year 2023, Wyndham City’s Mayor, Cr Susan McIntyre and Leanne Down has been awarded Citizen of the Year 2023

Leanne Down