Leave a Gift in your Will
Every gift that the Wyndham Health Foundation is fortunate to receive is different, but they all have one thing in common; they are made by people like you who know that the health of future generations relies on the generosity and foresight of the current generation.
Your legacy may be for the purchase of vital life-saving equipment, or refurbishment of an area in Wyndham’s public hospital. It may fund treatment of a specific disease or support a department that is important to you and your family.
Once you have taken care of your family and loved ones, take care of the health of future generations. Leave a legacy for life with a gift in your Will to the Wyndham Health Foundation.
Leaving a gift in your Will is easy, and there are different options for how to include your gift in your Will. Our discreet and considerate staff will work with you to ensure your gift does exactly what you want it to achieve. We also have a special group called the Custodians Society who are supporters that have told us they are leaving us a gift.
For more information download our brochure
The accepted wording for a gift to the Wyndham Health Foundation is:
“I give to the Wyndham Health Foundation, Suite 706/1 Main Street, Point Cook, Vic 3030, ABN 26 406 981 245, [INSERT YOUR CHOSEN BEQUEST HERE] for its general purposes, free of (or after payment of) all duties and taxes payable upon or in consequence of my death. I declare that a receipt issued by the Chief Executive Officer of the Wyndham Health Foundation shall be a sufficient discharge to my Trustees.”
Making or updating you Will is very straightforward, however we do recommend you consult your solicitor or Public Trustee in your State to ensure that your wishes are clearly and legally stated. Please be assured that your details and any discussion you have will remain private and confidential.
Have you already left a gift to the Wyndham Health Foundation in your Will, or are you interested in doing so? Please complete your details below, or alternatively you can contact us on 03 8375 2783 or email hello@whf.org.au. All inquires are treated in the strictest confidence.